Quantum Conversations

Broadcasting High Vibrational Frequencies
to Empower, Inspire and Elevate Lives.

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Awaken Embodied Universal Love with Grace Galzagorry

About This Show

What if you possess the key to healing your own body and living in unlimited joy, health, and vitality?

This is the journey of the unanticipated rise of a Feminine Christ, who triumphed over a decade-long ordeal of agonizing pain and crippling life-threatening disease –to emerge whole, healed of disease, and identified only as the unmitigated vastness of Universal Love. Out of this challenging ordeal, an accelerated healing modality reemerged on the planet –a modality originating in Lemuria and practiced by many Masters, including Jesus and Mary Magdalene. Now, on this planet, we awaken to the miraculous power of the love within to heal and restore wholeness.

At her crystalline birth and transformation, the Feminine Christ Council embraced Grace and downloaded her planetary service mission: To anchor a Feminine Christ ascension portal in communion with three other Feminine Christ Ascended Masters — Hathor, Mary Magdalene, and White Buffalo Woman, all of whom she walked with on Earth at various junctures.

You are invited to hear the call and awaken the dormant capacity within you to restore your body as a vibrational multidimensional portal of love. In this awakening, you will join our larger galactic family, living in the purity, transparency, and vulnerability of love. Join Grace and others in this field of the heart to awaken to Mother Earth’s heart-felt invitation to enter into profound communion with Self, the Earth, and all of life.

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Grace Galzagorry

Today, we will enter the vibrational field of Universal love, transmute depths of unresolved emotional trauma and activate the flow of love, restoring wholeness. While immersed in this compassionate, nurturing, and intelligent field, the body’s cells awaken organically and the transmission teaches the following, both telepathically and in form:

The main keys of this ascension portal are:

  • Communing in vibrational reality. The key to ALL healing and transformation resides in the vibrational realm that precedes form.
  • Engaging Self Love. Develop conscious intimacy between the inner Feminine-Masculine as a portal into Universal Love.
  • Embracing all through an open heart Focus is on lifting the most repressed and darkest DNA trauma in the heart (trauma of Christ-eras, downfall of Egyptian dynasties, Lemuria, and the Feline race). All disease can thus be healed.
  • Attuning to the sacred language of the body Open into flow and fluidity of Divine love through the consciousness in our body cells, and into vibrational Oneness with Earth, plants, animals and sun, moon, stars, and beyond.
  • Nurturing and cleansing ourselves in the sacred waters of the Ancient Mother Womb. In these waters, alchemical transformation and cellular healing, rejuvenation, and restoration gently unfold. All are ultimately called to this final resting place to integrate and recalibrate before our crystalline birth – to begin anew, free of the imprint of victimization and lack from this plane.

Your task is not to seek for love.
but to seek and find all the barriers within yourself.
you have built against it.

About Grace Galzagorry

Following the call of her Soul, Grace Galzagorry, RN MS NP, left a 25-year career as a nurse practitioner and UCSF professor to pursue a deep inward journey of the heart. A sudden and severe chronic illness challenged Grace’s every reserve of strength and unveiled a Feminine Christ Path, centered around self-love and the resolution of past life trauma. As Grace merged into more profound and deeper Union, her healing work organically expanded beyond the healing of individual trauma to the healing of groups, lineages, the larger human collective and, presently, to the healing of planetary trauma. In profound Union with all Life, Grace also serves to heal many animal and plant species, the elementals, and the sacred waters and lands of our beloved planet. Through her multidimensional being and healing capacities, Grace is regularly called to mitigate outcomes from many of the natural disasters currently occurring on the planet.

In planetary and collective fields, her vibrational field permeates the deepest and most repressed DNA traumatic memories: the demise of Lemuria, Ancient Egypt, the Feline race, and all Christ-era violations. As an Ancient Creator Feminine Christ, she served in the creation of this planet and returns to support Mother Earth in each of Her pivotal evolutionary shifts. At Grace’s crystalline transition and birth, she awakened to remembrance of her sacred contract, which is to anchor an ascension portal on Earth for humanity in communion with three other Feminine Christ Ascended Masters: Hathor, Mary Magdalene and White Buffalo Woman. Together, the Feminine Christ group serves the awakening and healing of the Ancient Mother Womb of the Earth where they hold an alchemical restoration space for many to transition into crystalline consciousness. Through Grace’s embodied vortex of Universal Love, many receive miraculous womb and trauma healing.

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