Quantum Conversations
to Empower, Inspire and Elevate Lives.
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QCTV: What is Karma and What Can I Do About It with Kihiw Biiniizii
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But what if I told you that the Universe isn’t actually keeping tabs? At least not the way we’ve been socialized to think…What if I told you that karma is, instead, actually a form of self-initiation? Initiation that is overseen and controlled by our Divine selves in co-creation with us. What would that do to our Ego’s sense of victimhood and persecution? I’ll tell you what, it might just dissolve it all together! Which is exactly what we are capable of doing with our karma: dissolving by resolving the associated energies.
Got your attention? Join us for a lovely/lively discussion on the topic, followed by a group karmic clearing for the latter half of the webinar. For those who are unable to attend live, the session recording will be just as powerful ;-D
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- Gain a different perspective on what karma is; one that honours us as empowered Co-Creator Beings
- Understand how karma impacts us and what we can do to clear it from this different perspective
- Receive a group clearing of karmic imprints and blockages based on the needs and energies of the group–and free up some energy!