Quantum Conversations

Broadcasting High Vibrational Frequencies
to Empower, Inspire and Elevate Lives.

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Activating the Codes of the Crystalline Consciousness with Nora WalksInSpirit

About This Show

During the 9-9 Gateway, Nora engaged in sonar & telepathic communication with the whales at Gasp Bay Pennisula in Northern Quebec. During today’s show Nora will provide us with an update to prepare our consciousness and awaken the dormant DNA and the dormant consciousness of who we are back into the regular format of a higher molecular magnetic field in our bodies. It will be done thru the so below magnetic fields of Gaia and her whales and it will be aligned above and beyond intelligence of the dimensions to crossover into our crystal DNA threads that will be awakened and tapped into by the whales.

The consciousness of the Whales is moving into the consciousness of humanity. This is the crystal consciousness of the whales connecting into the elevating consciousness of mankind thru telepathcially synchronizing the master codes of consciousness into all species of consciousness. Above and beyond, above and so below.

We are ready to accelerate into the ascension of becoming crystalline light bodies. These whales will be communicating with us and coordinating with us to become telepathically aligned to their grid system. This is the highest form of connecting and communicating in consciousness. We are moving into higher realms in the 9-9 Gateway when the star realms connect with us. It’s the highest level of communicating because the whales house all of consciousness for the grid system of the planet and the universe.

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Nora WalksInSpirit

About noraWalksInSpirit

Nora works as a “Diamond Light Code Transmitter” to the Multi-Dimensions of Crystal Grid Systems that she Connects and Communicates to a deeper level of Infinite “Oneness Consciousness”

In her own words: “My teachings and healings are SPOKEN in the Gift of Sacred Languages and Vibrations that form a Bridge from the Mind to the Heart to all Dimensions of Consciousness”

***We can create this BRIDGE from one state of Consciousness to a Higher Consciousness, while focusing on the “Clarity” of Enlightenment through Stillness.

Her Soul’s desire is to Enlighten the world about a deeper level of “Oneness Consciousness” as speaks on various Radio Broadcasts including her own BlogTalkRadio “Stepping Into Mastery”

She is the Author of the “Enlightenment Journey” and  Teachings of the “Ascension Series” and “Stepping into Mastery”.

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