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From Venus I Came – A True Story with Omnec Onec
About This Show
Omnec Onec is the only recorded person who was born on a higher level of density and came to Earth with her own physical body In the Ninetees, she became publicly known with her autobiography FROM VENUS I CAME. In these books she portrays life on the astral level of Venus and describes why and how she was born there and why as a child she was given the opportunity to lower her vibrations, to manifest a physical body and to come to Earth at the age of seven in order to later in her life work as a spiritual teacher and fulfill her life cycles here on earth. The information is timeless, true and fascinating and we hope you enjoy this encore!
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More About Omnec Onec
“As I was born on the planet Venus in another dimension and came to your planet as a young child, I was able to retain the knowledge and information that I had gathered as a soul through many incarnations and life times. I can keep this information intact, and what I teach people is actually what I KNOW and not what I’ve read about or what I’ve heard, but what I have experienced through many different life cycles on Earth and in other dimensions.”
Omnec Onec
The astral plane is a dimension of lower density that can not be seen or proven with physical means. According to Omnec, long time ago Venus and many other planets supported physical life very similar to the earth today. By natural evolutionary cycles to changing living conditions and thanks to the spiritual development of the people, life could continue to exist on these planets in finer levels of vibration, but no longer in the physical.
Some quotes by Omnec Onec
“Imagination is the key to creation.”
“Where the attention goes, the energy flows.”
Judgement and criticism
“The most important thing that people on earth have to learn is to replace criticism and judgement with love and acceptance.”
Due to her unusual life story and her special individuality, Omnec always triggered much love and joy, knowledge and memories in people, but also criticism and doubts. Omnec kept emphazising that one of the greatest gifts of a human being is his individual freedom to believe and to think whatever he decides.
“I don’t judge anybody, and I am judged the most.”
“Sometimes it’s more important not to question in detail so much how somebody functions, but to see what he has to share with others.”
Life on the astral level of Venus
In her autobiography, Omnec describes the enlivened astral dimension of Venus and gives detailed insights into the way of living of these beings in a higher level of frequency than we know here on the physical earth. The Venusians live in tune with natural laws and the “Laws of the Supreme Deity”. They are fully aware of their connection to creation and handle their spiritual powers with responsibility.
The Venusian and Spiritual Teacher Omnec Onec
Through her books and lectures, Omnec shares spiritual information, especially about the following subjects:
Unconditional love – Soul, the real I – the power of thoughts
- Replacing critisism and judgement with love and acceptance.
- Imagination is the key to creation.
- Where your attention goes, the energy flows.
Message from Venus – My Mission on Earth
- History of my origin – Reasons for being here
- Observations, experiences, insights of my life on Earth.
- The journey of soul – about origin and path of the soul through the mineral state, plant state and animal state to the human state.
- The human race is universal and not limited to the Earth.
- Providing full understanding of the individual connection with the creator. The creator is a huge source of energy from which all that exists is created in never ending cycles.
- Existence of dimensions which exist parallel to the physical reality.
- We are Souls and the physical life is a limited experience that is followed by the next step of evolution.
The Transformation of the Earth from Venusian perspective
- The unknown history of our solar system
- Return of our lost abilities
- In the future, the Earth will serve a total different purpose.
Since Omnec Onec had a stroke in 2009, she has not been publicly appearing very often.
Private Omnec
Since Omnec says that she physically replaced a girl with the name Sheila Gipson at the age of seven, this is the name that is in her passport. In her autobiography Omnec describes in detail the circumstances under which she came into Sheila’s earthly family.
Omnec has four grown children and currently (2015) three grandchildren. She lives together with a good friend in Missouri, USA.