Quantum Conversations

Broadcasting High Vibrational Frequencies
to Empower, Inspire and Elevate Lives.

Enjoy this Episode with Featured Guest

The New Human Gateway of Unity & Source Consciousness of Communion with Yukia Azorath Sandara

About This Show

Enjoy this Quantum Conversation as we introduce this Inter-Galactic Mentor who is on a Soul-Called Mission to activate and awaken your DNA using and decoding Light Language to repair, upgrade and transfigure one to different awakened states of consciousness. First, we hear Yukia’s story of her own personal transfiguration as a soul walk-in of Higher Consciousness and the cleanup/integration process of her journey. This journey is also our own, in our own way, and she shares an activation to assist you.   (Activation is at end of show ).

Enjoy this Episode

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Enjoy this Quantum Conversation:

Join in and explore the New Human Gateway Light Language Activation/Decoding & Revelation’s from within the Inner Core of the United Consciousness of our own Source within the physical vessel, now grounded within each one of us in this Reality..

We will be taking you in our United Self through the amazing Venusian Celestine Realm of Alchemy & Light Code Art Technology now fully available through the images within the Body, showing a number of Templates of the Mechanics of the New Universal Human. These will reveal the Higher Mind/Higher Heart Bridge and Fusion as One Gateway and subsequently merging of the latter to the Seat of Manifestation , our Sacral /our Womb of emanation of all Action in Inter Creation and in Communion.

It will furth unveil that once all this is integrated and embodied, the inner Sun Portal is then fully activated and switched on as a Gateway to interface in our Inter Planetary Playground freely as Loving Sovereign Universal Human Beings.

With this Potential Self Actualized we will move in an accelerated way beyond all duality and Quantum Jump in Unity Flow and Joy beyond blueprinting into Divine Essence and Communion.
Join us in this transmission and take that Leap beyond the Dream into the Real rawness of our Authentic Voice as a Community of Peace Unity & Love.

About Yukia

A Walk-in Soul in 2002 as an Inter-Galactic Guardian, Gatekeeper, Wayshower, Divine Sound Alchemist, Light Language Activator, Speaker, Holographic Decoder, Quantum Light Code Technology Artist, Unity Consciousness New Earth Mentor and more.

Yukia is like you, just a reflection of You, and has dedicated the past 16 years to experiencing and expressing passionately her Inter-Galactic Starseed trajectory by travelling the world as a mother, a grandmother, a child, a woman, a student, a friend, a lover, a teacher, a healer, a Transformation Light Language Activator/Decoder, an observer and a witness, a Higher Consciousness change agent, a facilitator of events and an Inter-Galactic Mentor/Life coach.

Yukia woke up at the age of 6 and then partially shut down whilst still astral travelling through dimensions and experiencing being very different to others and odd until a later time when she accepted her full mission.
