Quantum Conversations
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This Episode with Featured Guest
Season 13 – Episode 11: Crystalline Expansion – Explore and create from multiple dimensions and timelines with Zoe Davenport
About this Episode
This is the time – this is the NOW – this is the potential that you have been looking for – yarning for deep within your being. The BE-ING in JOY, the ability to love, the ability to play, the ability to show up 100% authentically you. Trusting you are enough – yes YOU – your wonderful beautiful divine light is enough and so needed at this time of great awakening potential.
Join us as we move through a wonderful crystalline sound activation and downloaded light codes to embody multi-dimensional living, jump timelines, collapse timelines and align to your greatest potential through grace, love, joy, play and ease.
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Here are a few things that you will learn on our call:
- How do we truly start living from these higher dimensions whilst honouring our human?
- Navigating the dimensional roads towards our hearts through connecting with our Crystalline Grids
- Grounding into our expanded potential through Crystalline Light Code Activation