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Metatronic Reiki Distant Healing Package

2 Payment Plan Available

Metatronic Reiki
21 Day Distant Healing Experience –

Next Session Begins: September 15, 2024

21 days of Distant Healing, using the Cosmic Rays of Metatronic Reiki with Metatron’s cube

This is a mysterious and revolutionary quantum approach to health and empowerment that leaves many with miraculous results… Let’s discover those miracles for You!

Reiki energy is Intelligent, it knows where to go and how to transform any disabling condition you have in your body, mind and consciousness to a healthier one. Imagine using the intelligence of Reiki symbols with the ability that Metatron’s Cube holds in its sacred geometry to create anew. What a Pair!

Here’s why we need this brilliant combination for healing at this time…

There’s currently an enormous disconnect in our Subconscious mind between our 3D reality and the possibility of living in a higher dimensional reality. Our body mind — in 3D — is Hardwired for dealing with circumstances as a Threat to our human existence, because we’ve been brought up to believe that we are this body and that we must protect it to surviveThis 3D subconscious disconnect creates many issues on multiple levels in our attempt to progress spiritually.

Our relationship with our reality is one of confusion because deep within we know that we Truly are Pure Consciousness ~ not just our body ~ we know this in our heart, but our mind says otherwise. We become a victim to our own mind and this confusion creates division between us and the Divine Mind.

I’ve discovered where the issue lies inside the body/mind connection …it’s in the physical version of the ‘map of our consciousness’. It’s fascinating to know that we have within our bodies, literally a structure that carries consciousness. But if this structure isn’t functioning properly then we are in the ‘Disconnection mode’ of being, thinking and acting.

This chronic disconnect causes deterioration and pain in the body, emotional disturbances and mental agitation causing suffering. The perception created by your mind projects into your personal reality that… You’re not worthy — You’ll never make it — You won’t get there

The great divide created by the mind’s confusion has you buying into Scarcity and Separation Consciousness — that there’s not enough to go around, it’s not for you anyway and that you’ll never come to feel True Divine Love within or be able to claim your Spiritual gifts or purpose.

You’ll be thrown into a subconscious cycle of craving validation of your worth, but you’ll self-sabotage through creating body issues to prove that you are Not worthy to heal, to evolve and to go to greater heights within your spiritual Sovereignty. Also in this disconnect mode, you question whether you are enough as you are…to be a channel for the Divine, living out your greater purpose work. Instead of trying to convince yourself that you are good enough…it’s imperative you come to Believe that you Deserve Unconditional Love — and shift your humanistic 3D Blueprint.

We must work on the ‘Map of Consciousness’ that is in the Physical body and shift you there, so that the emotional, mental and spiritual bodies can then evolve in conjunction with your ascension plan. This ‘Map of Consciousness’ also is what informs the Light body that your consciousness has evolved and to go about building out your Light body because you’re prepared and ready to Receive Light at a higher level.

You already know the power of Reiki, but in this 21 day Distant Healing experience,  we are now using Reiki healing rays and combining it with the immutable power of Metatron‘s Cube…Supporting the Healing of your Body and Psyche while upgrading your spiritual Clairvoyant abilities and Light Body.


Enter into Archangel Metatron’s 11:11 Gateway and Sacred Dimensional Temple to Heal on 3 Levels…Experience 21 days of Clearing, Healing, Downloading and Harmonizing with Metatron’s Cube sacred geometry and the Power of Reiki Rays.

We’ll do an Attunement for Ascension and Sovereign Embodiment of Unconditional Love…you no longer need to suffer with body pain, emotional hurt, mentally feeling lost and confused, or Unworthy.

Archangel Metatron is the holder and keeper of all of the esoteric knowledge of the Universe. As you make progress on your spiritual path, upgrading your Body to receive the Light…Archangel Metatron will help you raise your vibrational energy to meet the demands that you encounter. Metatron means BEYOND MATRIX and we are literally moving you beyond Scarcity and Separation consciousness.

During the 21 days of Distant Healing with Metatronic Reiki, the veil between dimensions begins to dissolve and your Higher Self assumes deeper control. You’ll begin to merge back into your original Divine Blueprint of ONE Unconditional Love reality with the creative Source that is authentically You.

Please note that all Metatronic Reiki healing will be done in Archangel Metatron’s Sacred Dimensional Temple that you will be guided to on our intention call. Also around that Temple will be a Cosmic Crystalline Container held by the 4 primary Archangels at the 4 corners that we will set while on our Intention Call. I’ll be setting up an individual orb for you so that it is specifically directed to your body and energy field. You do not need to be present on the call or during your distant healings. This is all done remotely.


We must start with your body…We will do a clearing and healing of density trapped in your body causing conditions that derail you from your spiritual path. I will also have you email me your specific physical conditions that you want to do the distant healing on so that these will be included.

Your body Must be on board with your spiritual aspirations of channeling high levels of Light or you will ‘overload your circuits.’ Too much energy all at once, will flood your body — and if it’s not buzzing at a high enough vibration due to density, then the New amplified frequencies will ‘short circuit’ you. The kidneys will be impacted and it’s like ‘blowing a fuse’ — this creates a lot of health issues, low immunity and nervous system disorders.

  • Back, foot, knee, hand, neck, shoulder, hip,
    joint pain
  • Heart / chest pain
  • Muscle tightness, including jaw tension
  • Sciatica
  • Dry eyes
  • Myofascial Connective Tissue
  • Alopecia (hair falling out)
  • Eczema / Psoriasis
  • Multiple Sclerosis
  • Arthritis
  • Mobility issues
  • Allergies
  • Asthma
  • Warts
  • Hearing and ear discomfort
  • Low energy / chronic fatigue
  • Digestion
  • Moon time / menses (painful, irregular, heavy)
  • Gut tightness / pain
  • Candida
  • Parasites
  • Poisoning
  • PLUS whatever you send me as your intention via email form


We will do a thorough clearing of emotions and also the physiological conditions that are created due to disharmonious energy patterns of your subconscious field.

Within your subconscious field there is Fear that you are not going to be loved — that somehow it will pass over you. There is Worry that you are not going to have the praise, acknowledgment or recognition of worthiness. Without feeling worthy, you will never know how to have love and become the embodiment of Unconditional Love — Yet, deep within, you’re yearning for the experience of Infinite Love as Unconditional love to come to Sovereign Embodiment.

  • Depression
  • Anxiety
  • Stuck fear, shame, hatred, anger
  • Disassociation from chronic freeze
  • Habitual reactivity to circumstances
  • Sleep disorders
  • Emotional eating
  • Alcohol addiction
  • Cognitive function (such as memory, focus, and neuroplasticity or mental flexibility)
  • Managing stress and uncertainty
  • Symptoms of autism (such as self-regulation and self-expression)
  • Confidence / Self-worth / Self-esteem (such as boundary setting, saying No, speaking up)
  • Relating to others more authentically and meaningfully (including with those whom there has been frequent conflict)
  • Feeling safer in the body and in the world (reducing hyper-vigilance from a high-tone sympathetic nervous system)
  • Productivity
  • PLUS whatever you send me as your intention via email form


Light Body build out and Attunement using the Sacred Geometric shapes within Metatron’s Cube. There’s a gentle entrainment to Divine Source that takes effect by simply allowing the geometries into your reality.

Remember, the shapes and patterns are transcendental…They are beyond physical time and space. Your Higher Mind recognizes the vibrational resonance waves created through interacting with Sacred Geometry as a part of your innate connection to All That Is…Your Light Body will take in this TRUTH and use it as the building blocks of the innate structure to serve your Full evolution to Enlightenment.

  • Ancestral healing
  • Chakra purification and activation
  • Clearing past life debts and vows
  • Calibrating brain wave frequency
  • Activating dormant areas of the brain
  • Harmonizing brain hemispheres
  • Increasing intercellular communication
  • Connection to animal spirits / guides
  • Strengthening intuition
  • Creativity and purpose
  • Abundance and flow
  • Ease, calm, lightness, enjoyment and peace



Journey through the 11:11 Gateway to Archangel Metatron’s Dimensional Sacred Temple. Be filled with the Healing energy as your essence is welcomed into the space to dance with the Sacred Shapes of Metatron’s Cube as they hold the Reiki symbols within.

We will create the Crystalline Container held at the 4 corners by Archangel Michael, Uriel, Raphael and Metatron for us to have our Sacred Space while doing the 21 days of Metatronic Reiki.

I will guide you to activate your personal orb and then we will do a Golden Grid of Grace Infusion to call forth the Grace Light needed for tremendous healing miracles to occur.

You can set your specific intention for the Attunement so you can access and begin anchoring in the energetic blueprint for your desired outcomes!

The Orientation will explain how the distant healing will unfold and the best practices to use for greatest results.


This intake form is where you get to share via email form any concerns that you want to address in the distant healing or a specific outcome you intend to achieve through doing this work with Metatronic Reiki. I will do an initial intake evaluation for you and set the intention within your individual healing orb using the Golden Grid of Grace vital life force energy. I’ll program the orb for this intention to be fulfilled while we do the work in the Crystalline Container.


You will receive this PDF with instructions on a simple, yet effective process that will prepare you at a deep vibrational level to be open and available to receive the High vibrational support from the Heart power held within Metatron’s Cube.

Bonus: Braiding your Boundaries for a Strong & Healthy Aura

Downloadable Guided Journey MP3

Archangel Metatron shared with me that his sacred geometric cube can braid the light rays into the Ketheric template of the aura (the outermost auric body) to re-enforce the structure of light that surrounds your aura. This will prevent the unwanted energies from penetrating your aura so easily.

As energies penetrate, you take on the energy and form of them, first in your Ketheric template body, which holds the karmic tags. So, if we can reduce the amount of energies that infiltrate your aura, you’ll actually experience less of the karmic energies, and as a result, you’ll have More energy and vitality to stay strong.

You’ll become Mentally strong with perspective and insight — vision — to KNOW when someone is sent for either fulfillment of karma or if they are meant for your engagement in a different way.

This is not a guard, this is Enhancing your Ketheric template body — serving you to create one that is healthy, strong and flexible — rather than it being compromised, weak and fragile.

~Downloadable Guided Journey MP3 that you can listen to when you need to strengthen your aura or as a maintenance routine for creating and keeping a healthy aura.


Archangel Metatron is one of the most powerful Archangels in this New Age because he directly represents our capacity for ascension and our ability to access spiritual power and Unconditional Love.

You can depend upon Archangel Metatron when you’re making dramatic shifts in your energy. Archangel Metatron’s Cube is a mystical tool that he uses to heal and clear the negative energies from our lives.

The cube is an example of sacred geometry, made from celestial energy, and spins in a clockwise manner, harnessing centrifugal forces to clear away negativity from our energy body and physical body.

The Cube, being multidimensional, holds unlimited power to influence the flow of energy and information within the Universe.

Sacred Geometry shapes our TRANSCENDENTAL experience…Surpassing the physical into the Meta-physical. They are contained within Metatron’s Cube and access the Superior, Abstract, Ethereal and UNIVERSAL patterns that belong to every one of us as Children of Divine Source!

We’re not separate from the harmonic proportions and ratios that comprise the building blocks of our physical reality. We carry within us the ability to tap into the transcendental nature of Sacred Geometry to CREATE our own PHYSICAL REALITY!

This is for you if You are wanting:

  • Your energetic structures aligned so that you can raise your consciousness — it’s imperative
  • Elegantly evolve spiritually…in a natural and efficient way
  • Activate your Inner Intuitive Guidance System to become more confident with your intuitive abilities
  • Boost Immunity and the amount of Light flow in your energy structures for intuitive receptivity – yes, these are related!
  • Help your body with organically Healing & Recovery from an ailment or condition
  • Feel emotionally more connected to your Higher Self, the Divine, your Greater offering and your Light Body

YES! I want Christel’s Special Offer #1 for $121

What People Say About Christel

A Great Miracle took place during the Throat Chakra Core Clearing Party!! I was in hell for two weeks. Never happened before during my entire life. It was what we call projection… Yes, and even though I am well aware about the observer and the observed I was not capable to overcome the identification…

It looked like an uninvited old record or non stop cassette. During the clearing process I asked my H. Self and our Mother God to Liberate me..and The Miracle took place! Christel, The call was Just Divine! Actually, the most powerfully beautiful clearing ever! I have so much Love, gratitude and appreciation within my heart for you!

I cannot wait to work with you again! Blessing to you and yours! 

~ Erietta

 Moving through Infinite Intimacy had a huge impact on my life. I got clear on how my masculine and feminine energies were playing roles within me and driving the pain I’d been experiencing in my relationship with others and more importantly within myself.

;The included materials provided me with the tools I’ve needed to continue improving my internal masculine/feminine balanced energy flow, release of betrayal energy and expanding my capacity for receiving love. The readings Christel provides are priceless in their capacity for being able to feel greater levels of love within.

As a result my relationship with myself is so much healthier and I’ve magnetized mutually supportive relationships into my life. It’s given me the confidence to be open with others and share what’s in my heart freely. 

~ Amanda

 Thank you Christel for the Metatron session. I’m really blown away how effective it was immediately. The next morning and days after I’ve experienced a deep sense of peace, beauty, and love all around me I’ve never had before. I’m making creative decisions in the moment I know are for the highest good and I’m loving people with more depth than I ever have without needing them to change anything. There’s a heightened sense of space for acceptance and no anxiety. I’m really grateful for this new way of being. Thank you! 

~ KL

 The Shakti call was incredible! I could feel the energy as soon as it started and had all different kinds of new sensations and vibrations going on physically throughout! Thank you sooo much for this generous Awakening the Shakti Within program ~ the openings have been stunning and I feel like they are still unfolding (and we aren’t even finished yet!) 

~ AH

 Just wanted to take a minute, to tell u that I’m soooo happy to hear that we will be able to continue to expand upon this incredibly spiritually enhancing & life changing Sacred Heart Shakti Mantra calls and Lakshmi Light Temples experience! It’s been phenomenal in ways that can’t yet be put into words; with amazing transformative powers & results (ie. synchronicities, manifestations, rooted new levels of consciousness, new “ME” revelations and magical mystical-ness all around, affecting the simplest of moments in a typical day). I’m thankful others shared their feelings about the end of this program and thankful that you are taking action! Yeah ABUNDANCE!!!


~ DP

 I had an Intuitive Assessment with Christel at the end of last year and to say it was life changing is an understatement! My entire reality immediately shifted on its axis and spiritual gifts literally started flooding in…Truly miraculous and totally unexpected. I have so much love and gratitude for Christel and the blessings she has brought into this reality for all of us who follow her work. 

~ Rachel NZ

 The Intuitive Assessment given by Christel Hughes was one of the most incredible experiences I have ever participated in. Christel has the natural ability to literally tap into your Higher Self and give these meticulous details about your gifts, how you flow energy, precisely where there are blockages and mis-directed energy flows within your Energetic Field, where your awareness is in terms of: are you living too much in the past or the future and are you stuck in your ways or too spacey. Besides the all the relevant wisdom I gained, I came out of my Intuitive Assessment session with a great sense of pride and self-confidence about my true authentic self. 

~ Cindy

 I feel like I have made huge progress since you did my intuitive reading! It was the most incredible thing that has ever happened to me so thank you from the bottom of my heart for flicking my light switch on. You have changed my life and I am more grateful to you than words can ever express. 

~ Rachel

 Christel is a brilliant light and a real pleasure to work with. At my personal session I had many ideas for my soul purpose and mission but hadn’t seen an effective way to unite different aspects. Christel held a strong and compassionate container and guided me through uncovering my soul-level gifts and seeing possibilities there that I hadn’t considered or known about. That day it felt like we breathed divine sparks over the embers of my purpose work and I was delighted at how it lit up and came to life with great new dimension. Christel’s breadth of experience, heart-centeredness, insights, and vision are remarkable and she is, simply phenomenal! 

~ Anonymous

 I got the most amazing reading and guidance from Christel Ella Marie Hughes last night. If you really want to know what’s standing in the way of you being your most BRILLIANT and AUTHENTIC self, you should work with her! 

~ Dulani

 When I first found Christel Hughes, I was over-sensitive and just looking for a way to stop other people’s energies from entering my space. She taught me how to protect my boundaries and a lot more. Christel helped me open doors I would never have been able to do on my own. With her high level intuitive abilities, Christel helped me identify my blocks, clear them, as well as help other people clear their blocks. Christel has also gifted me with identifying my own intuitive gifts and setting me on a path to fulfill my purpose work. Her support has me creating in a way I would never have had the nerve to do on my own. I can’t wait for our next adventure of me introducing myself to the world! Christel’s light is so very bright—what a treasure I have found! In much love and gratitude. 

~ LD Chown

 You are a star, shining brightly enough that those who you encounter clearly see their own paths. I am grateful that I was lead to connect w/ you. You are inspiration, even to those who inspire, and your talents are a present reminder of just how good God is. I celebrate you, I pray for you and I see the Light you. Thank you. 

~ Jerome

 Energetically powerful, I could feel the pulsation of the energies moving through me and to another level. Thank you so much Christel for your capacity to guide the energies. 

~ LD

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Metatronic Reiki Distant Healing Package

2 Payment Plan Available