Special Offer


Signature Cell Healing Bundle of Resources plus your choice of a 60 MInute Lemurian  Readings or Signature Cell Healing Session

Special Offer Includes:

Discover your connection to ancient Lemuria and explore Signature Cell Healing, an ancient Lemurian healing modality originally brought forth by Master Healer, Kahu Fred Sterling.

This offer features a a 60-minute Lemurian reading of your choice with Karinna (Lemurian Mentoring, Lemurian Goddess Reading, Channeled Lemurian Prophecy reading or Signature Cell Healing distance session, plus a 90-day subscription to digital Signature Cell Healing resources, including video and eBook guides to the 5 Breath Self-Healing Meditation, a map to Your Sanctuary of Inspiration Meditation, a 2-part audio MP: Signature Cell Healing: the Key to the Shift, with Master Guide Kirael, and the eBook: Signature Cell Healing, Awakening the Chromosomes of Youth and Vitality by Kahu Fred Sterling

Item 1: Signature Cell Healing Resource Bundle

This package includes several items to begin your journey of Lemurian healing and to assist the student of Signature Cell Healing in preparation for workshops.  These learning materials are complimentary for 2018 Workshop Students.

  • Signature Cell Healing: Awakening the Chromosomes of Youth and Vitalityby Kahu Fred Sterling. Signaure Cell Healing Foundation Publishers, 2013. (eBook)
  • A Guide to the Basic 5 Breath Self-Healing Meditaionby Kahu Fred Sterling (eBook)
  • The 5 Breath Self-Healing Meditationwith Kahu Fred Sterling, narrated by Karinna Nielsen. (Video Guide)
  • Sanctuary of Inspiration Meditation(Map)
  • Signature Cell Healing: The Key to the Shift Parts 1 & 2with Kahu Fred Sterling and Master Guide Kirael (Audio MP3s)

Access to this package is available for 90 days.


Session Option: Lemurian Mentoring with Karinna

Lemurian Wisdom Mentoring offers you an opportunity to explore the tools of ancient Lemurian Wisdom with Karinna. Discover the evolutionary tools and techniques that can most benefit your journey in the now, including Lemurian Numerology, the Ten Principles of Consciously Creating, your Lemurian Goddess Light, the Lemurian Prophecy Cards and more. Experience personalized Lemurian energy activations, healing meditations and a greater understanding of your role in our Great Shift in Consciousness.

Delve into the wisdom of the ancient Lemurians that led to their evolutionary journey from third, fourth, fifth dimension and beyond! In personalized mentoring sessions with Karinna, you’ll discover new ways to take your life journey to the next level, to heal and to grow into your highest potential.

Session Option: Signature Cell Healing Distance Session

Awaken Your Chromosomes of Youth and Vitality!

Signature Cell Healing® creates a space of unconditional love to release the fears holding you back from attaining your life goals in the physical, emotional, mental and spiritual aspects of your life. Most people experience feelings of relaxation, balance, peace of mind, hope and love. You begin to see life in a healthier and more loving way, opening insights to new options and the courage to take the next steps in your life. Distance healing session are available wherever you may be in the world

Session Option:  Lemurian Goddess Reading

Awaken Your Lemurian Goddess Light!

Does hearing the word “Lemuria” awaken something within you? Perhaps you are a returning Lemurian Goddess light and you’re feeling the call to reconnect to the wisdom within your heart from a time long ago.

Goddess Light is the humble love for self and others existing within all–male or female. The Lemurians actively participated with the Goddess Light to create a life journey in the highest alignment with their evolutionary growth. Like the Lemurians, we can activate, explore and weave with our Goddess light. Your Lemurian Goddess reading reveals to you the truth of your Goddess light and how you can create more joy, personal growth and greater empowerment.

Discover your part in the legacy of the Lemurian Goddess Light and the principles and practices you can use to empower your journey. Experience special meditations to activate your Lemurian Goddess Light for healing, transformation and growth.

Session Option: Channeled Lemurian Prophecy Readings.

Are you feeling your heart awaken to something within you when you hear the word “Lemuria?” Do you have the feeling that you are being called to gain a deeper understanding of who you are and why you are here? 

Channeled Lemurian Prophecy readings are an opportunity for you to receive guidance and insights into your Lemurian heritage and your journey in this Great Shift in Consciousness.

Karinna channels the wisdom of the Lemurian Goddess Light, providing loving guidance for your journey in the now. In a sacred practice of channeling the wisdom of ancient Lemuria, experience the unfolding of the guidance for you to evolve your journey to the next level of love.

Discover your Lemurian life path and what is unfolding on the spiritual, emotional, mental and physical aspects of you.

Have your questions ready!

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